Financial Coaching,
done differently

Introducing a unique financial coaching and planning service designed to help you reach your financial goals, build wealth and retire well.

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Our Services

Meaningful Coaching was established to complement the rest of the Meaningful Money family of services. We believe that people like you can learn to manage your own money, and create your own Financial Life Plan, which reflects your goals and the financial actions required to achieve them. The videos, podcasts and Academy courses are designed to help you do this.

We also know that you might prefer to have some support as you go through the process for the first time. The goal of our Financial Planning services is to increase your confidence in your financial future. Whether we’re starting from scratch, or building on what you’ve done before, we’ll work collaboratively to ensure you are able to strike the right balance between living today, and preparing for the future.

Our Financial Coaching services are suitable for you if you already have a financial life plan, but want some additional support with aspects of your financial life, or if you don’t feel quite ready to commit to financial planning.

Financial Planning Services

  • £550 / £650 for couples

    We’ll work collaboratively to explore, understand and agree on your most important priorities in life.

    Having identified those goals that will have financial implications, we’ll work together to build your financial life plan, to show what it would take to achieve your goals.

    We’ll walk through your (joint) financial situation to ensure everything has been accounted for, and to understand how it’s been represented in Voyant.

    The primary goal is to give you sufficient confidence in your plan that you feel able to take action to make it a reality.

    For couples, you will also be sure that you’re on the same page.

    This will take place over 4x 90-minute virtual sessions (5x 90-minutes for couples), over a maximum of 6 months.

    You will have access to email and chat support between meetings.

    Access to your Voyant Go plan for 6 months, and discounted access to Meaningful Academy Build Wealth or Retirement Planning.

  • £400 for individuals / £500 for couples

    A review and “sense-check” of your existing Meaningful Academy Voyant Plan.

    We’ll take a step back to ensure you’re (both) clear and comfortable with your priorities and goals, to ensure it really is a financial life plan.

    We’ll walk through your (joint) financial situation to ensure everything has been accounted for, and to understand how it’s been represented in Voyant.

    The primary goal is to give you sufficient confidence in your plan that you feel able to take action to make it a reality.

    For couples, you will also be sure that you’re on the same page.

    This will take place over 3x 90-minute virtual sessions (4x 90-minutes for couples), over a maximum of 4 months.

    You will have access to email and chat support between meetings.

Financial Coaching Services

  • £300 for individuals or couples

    If you're not ready for planning, or just want to focus on 2-3 specific areas of your personal finances.

    Includes 3x 60-minute virtual sessions over up to 3 months.

    We’ll work to reach actionable outcomes from each session, to address your top financial priority areas.

    You will have access to email and chat support between meetings.

  • £500 for individuals or couples

    A more comprehensive review of your finances, and identification of priority areas for action.

    Includes 6x 60-minute virtual sessions over a maximum of 6 months.

    We’ll work to reach actionable outcomes from each session, supporting you to improve your financial present and future.

    You will have access to email and chat support between meetings.

  • £300 for individuals or couples

    For those who already have a financial plan, these will be regular check-ins to ensure you’re staying on track.

    Includes 4x 45-minute virtual sessions over 12 months.

    As always, we’ll work to reach actionable outcomes from each session.

The investor’s chief problem - and even his worst enemy - is likely to be himself.

- Benjamin Graham

Coaching Endorsed by Pete Matthew of

I began the Meaningful Money project back in 2010 with the goal of educating and empowering as many people as possible to take control of their personal finances.

Millions of video views and podcast downloads later, Meaningful Money has become an invaluable resource for hundreds of thousands of people across the UK.

I am convinced that there is a gap between full, regulated financial advice and going it alone, a gap which can be filled by financial coaching. After all, if we are our own worst enemy, then it’s ourselves and our behaviour that we need most help with!

I am excited to work with Alastair to build a coaching and planning service that we hope will be helpful to many people.

Meet your coach, Alastair Ford

My background is in management consultancy and delivering technology transformation at the BBC, but I developed an interest in personal finance over 10 years ago. I started investing, and was more diligent about saving, but there was no plan or structure to it.

Pete inspired me to be more intentional about things, and I experienced the life-changing impact of having a proper financial plan and a sustainable budget, through Meaningful Academy.

I became accredited as Financial Coach in 2022 and since then I have helped hundreds of people to take control of their financial futures. I’m excited to now have the opportunity to work closely with Pete, to provide coaching as part of the Meaningful Money family.

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